Whistleblower Protection Policy of SEARCH AND CARE, INC.
As Adopted by the Board of Directors on December 8, 2009
General: Search and Care, Inc. (the “Agency”) requires that its directors, officers and employees observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. They have certain responsibilities to report matters of concern, and shall be protected if they take reasonable actions consistent with such responsibilities, in accordance with this Whistleblower Policy (the “Policy”).
Reporting Responsibility: Any director, officer or employee who reasonably suspects any other director, officer or employee of engaging in any violation of the law, regulations, ethical rules or any policy of the Agency must report such activity as soon as possible. Such activity may include, but is not limited to, financial wrongdoing (including circumvention of internal controls or violation of the accounting policies of the Agency), fraud, harassment or any other illegal or unethical conduct.
Reporting Procedure: Reports should be made in writing and should contain enough information to substantiate the concern and allow an appropriate investigation to begin. Reports may be made anonymously. Employees should report occurrences to the Executive Director (or to the head of the Audit Committee or Board President if the Executive director is the subject of the report.) Officers and Board members should report occurrences to the head of the Audit Committee or to the Board President.
Acting in Good Faith: Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation pursuant to the Policy must be acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a violation of the Policy. Any allegations that prove not to be substantiated and which prove to have been made maliciously or when known to be false will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense.
No Retaliation: No director, officer or employee who in good faith reports a concern pursuant to the Policy, or who cooperates with an investigation of a complaint, shall suffer retaliation. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, harassment and adverse employment consequences, such as termination, denial of any bonus, benefit or training, reduction of salary or decrease in hours or change in or transfer to a lesser position.
A director, officer or employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination or removal from office. Employees should report occurrences of retaliation to the Executive Director (or to the head of the Audit Committee or Board President if the Executive director is the subject of the report.) Officers and Board members should report occurrences to the head of the Audit Committee or to the Board President.
Handling of Reported Violations: All reports will be investigated and handled in a timely and sensitive manner. Following investigation, the Agency will take appropriate remedial and disciplinary action as it deems justified by the circumstances, including possibly terminating employment, seeking restitution, removal from office, or criminal prosecution. Confidentiality will be maintained through the investigation to the extent reasonable and practicable under the circumstances, and consistent with appropriate investigative and corrective action.